
Vacationland Times

Sunday, June 2, 2024

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Latest News

  • Local Government

    House Committee Begins Hearings on Bill to Require Employer Use of E-Verify Program

    State Representative D.J. Swearingen, a Republican from Huron, presented sponsor testimony today before the House Commerce and Labor Committee on House Bill 327. The bill aims to require employers in Ohio to use the E-Verify program, an internet-based program that helps employers verify the work authorization of new hires.The E-Verify program is a valuable tool that streamlines the verification process of new employees' work permits, visas, and citizenship within a matter of seconds. By implementing this program, employers can ensure that they are hiring individuals who...

  • Local Government

    Ohio House Passes Strategic Community Investment Fund

    The Ohio House of Representatives has approved the Strategic Community Investment Fund, a historic initiative that aims to support statewide, regional, and local projects. The fund, which includes $350 million in total, will allocate nearly $6 million specifically for projects in northern Ohio. State Rep. D.J. Swearingen (R-Huron) announced the approval of the fund as part of Substitute House Bill 2."I hope these investments will enrich the lives of those who call the 89th district home and draw more families to our region," said Swearingen. "The initiatives also...

  • Local Government

    Legislators from Ohio, Pennsylvania Discuss Energy Reliability, Sustainability, and Affordability

    Members of the Ohio General Assembly and Pennsylvania Senate gathered in Columbus yesterday for a joint committee hearing to address the pressing issues of energy reliability, sustainability, and affordability. The meeting aimed to tackle the urgent need for additional, affordable energy generation and prevent potential grid failures.The hearing included testimony from key players in the energy industry, such as PJM, the organization responsible for managing the mid-Atlantic power grid, and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. House Public Utilities Chairman Dick...

  • Local Government

    State Representative Responds to ACLU Lawsuit over HB 68

    State Representative Gary Click (R-Vickery) has issued a statement in response to the news that the ACLU of Ohio will be filing a legal challenge against the recently passed HB 68. In his statement, Representative Click criticizes the ACLU for what he sees as their support for harmful practices and their opposition to actual rights.According to Representative Click, the ACLU has a history of "inventing fictitious rights while opposing actual rights such as those enshrined in the SAFE Act." He argues that children have a right to grow up intact and that the ACLU's support...

  • Local Government

    Ohio House Overrides Governor Veto of House Bill 68

    The Ohio House of Representatives has voted to override the governor's veto of House Bill 68, sponsored by Representative Gary Click. The vote, with a tally of 65 to 28, demonstrates a significant victory for women and children in the state.Representative Gary Click, the sponsor of the bill, expressed his satisfaction with the results, stating, "Today marks yet another victory for women and children in Ohio. It is hard to fathom that we live in a society that would tell children that they need drugs and scalpels to live their authentic lives or that treats women as...

  • Local Government

    Rep. Click Urges Veto Override of HB 68 to Protect Children from Harmful Medical Procedures

    In a recent floor speech, Rep. Click passionately argued for the veto override of HB 68, emphasizing the importance of protecting the rights and well-being of children. The SAFE Act, which has been carefully curated and thoroughly vetted, aims to prevent harmful medical procedures on minors.Acknowledging Governor DeWine's initiatives to collect data and block reckless distribution of hormones through pop-up clinics, Rep. Click commended the temporary executive order banning sex change surgeries on minors. Expressing gratitude for the governor's support, Rep. Click urged...

  • Local Government

    Click Responds to DeWine Executive Order on Sex-Reassignment Surgeries for Minors

    State Representative Gary Click (R-Vickery) has issued a statement in response to Governor Mike DeWine's executive order banning sex-reassignment surgeries for minors. In his statement, Click expresses cautious optimism about the governor's decision, acknowledging that it provides instant protection for vulnerable children. Click believes that minors are too young to fully understand the risks and potential regret associated with such surgeries. He argues that these procedures should only be available to adults who can properly evaluate the hazards involved.Click also...

  • Local Government

    State Representative Gary Click Responds to Governor DeWine's Veto of House Bill 68

    State Representative Gary Click (R-Vickery) has issued a statement in response to Governor DeWine's veto of House Bill 68. In his statement, Click acknowledges his shared passion for children with the Governor, stating, "Even in moments when we disagree on policy, I have never questioned his heart or his character."Click commends Governor DeWine for thoroughly examining the details of the legislation and speaking to qualified individuals who could provide insights into the issue. He highlights the extensive research and study that went into the bill, asserting, "Governor...

  • Local Government

    House Agrees with Senate Changes to SAFE Act, Click in Favor

    The Ohio House of Representatives has approved the Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act and Save Women's Sports Act, following its passage by the Ohio Senate. State Representative Gary Click expressed his gratitude for the Senate's support and the House's concurrence with the Senate's compromises. He stated, "Governor DeWine has established that his priority is to keep Ohio's women and children safe, and I am confident that this bill does that."The SAFE Act, also known as House Bill 68, aims to protect children experiencing gender dysphoria from irreversible...

  • Schools

    Attention community members! We want your input!

    Attention community members! We want your input!
